
Meaning Of Proverbs 17 17

A friend loves at all times, And a blood brother is built-in for adversity.

Proverbs 17:17(NASB)

Verse Thoughts

The qualities of a true friend or a beloved brother are best exemplified in the life of the Lord Jesus. A truthful friend loves at all times, in skilful circumstances and during times of greatest difficulty and hardships, and Jesus reminded the states that the greatest of all dearest is expressed when a friend is prepared to give up his ain life for that of his friend - or to forego his own desires and needs for the sake of his dearly honey friend.

Loyalty in friendship is a grace that becomes all the more precious when, despite intensifying hardships, a friend is there to condolement and assistance, and the Scriptures remind us never to abandon a friend, nor fifty-fifty to forsake the friends of your father or mother. All true friendships are of great value, but it is a double blessing when friendships traverse the generations.

How lamentable it is when a confidence is broken or when a friendship is fractured as a result of gossip or the inability to maintain an entrusted conviction. An unguarded natural language or the inability to maintain trust can get a sharp blade that can slice through a valued friendship, and the Scriptures remind united states that a gossip betrays a confidence, but a homo of integrity keeps a hugger-mugger: "A talebearer reveals secrets, just he who is trustworthy conceals a matter."

Only honesty is also a marking of genuine friendship and we also read in the Word: "F aithful are the wounds of a friend only the kisses of an enemy are deceitful." Correction is not always appreciated, although it should exist e'er accepted and welcome when coming from a loyal, trusted, and sensitive friend. True and lasting friendship can never be congenital on deceitfulness of duplicity, and even through the truth may sting our pride, when the truth is spoke in love information technology should always exist acted upon, for through information technology, the Spirit of God will teach a valuable lesson and farther build our Christian graphic symbol and grace.

Wise counsel and spiritual encouragement is the calling-card of the friend that loves at all times, and loyalty, sensitivity, and a 18-carat interest in the other are the qualities of the brother that travels through adversity with us. May we accept on these qualities in our dealings with our friends, and praise God when nosotros observe them to be the qualities that characterise our own friends and brothers and sisters-in-Christ.

My Prayer

Heavenly Begetter, I thank you for the honey friends that You have brought into my life and for the love and comfort that I take received from them over the years. I pray that I would develop the many qualities of 18-carat friendship, and that You would utilise me to exist a friend to others in their times of demand. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.

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